Monday, January 28, 2013

Splitboard Skin Tail Adaptors

SOLD!  After a couple of trips to the backcountry where there were multiple skin-up transitions, it became evident that the skins become less and less 'sticky' to the planks than the first time they are applied.  The combo snow, ice, water, dirt make for less a than sticky nirvana and as a consequence the skins start to come off and become useless.

Spark R&D created tail adaptors such that the back of the skin attaches to the back end of the spliboard.  The kit makes a lot of sense and is very effective.  Gone are the days of having to worry about snow build up making the skins useless....

The kit cost $40 and is worth every penny!

It took about 20-30 minutes to get them installed and the video that Spark created really helps make the install relatively idiot proof.

Pics from my skin adaptor effort:

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