Monday, May 20, 2013

MTB Oakridge

The week wrapped up early for me as I had Friday planned as a vacation day.  I was ultimately headed to Chiloquin for a weekend of debauchery but with a side journey on the way down for some riding.  Oakridge was sorta' kinda on the way, but not...'kind of on the way' enough to make the trip there though.

The dark clouds hun in the air as I approached Willamette Pass.  There were moments of rain as the clouds moved through the area and the storm that had the area socked in was not just quickly passing through.  I knew that at some point it would be a 'wet' ride.  My reasoning however was that there would be moments of drizzle along the climbs on the forest service roads but that the trails proper would be dry thanks to the thick forest canopy.

I turned out to be a great day on the bike.  There were a few moments towards the top when it was raining and really cold as witnessed by my cold numb hands but that situation quickly remedied itself by ignoring the numbness and anticipating the descent.

The upper upper trails still needed some blow down cleaning as there is still a fair amount of 'stuff' on the trails but everything below Windy Pass is riding tip top.

I did not run into ANY other bikers and it was a day with the forest to myself (and a few critters).  Some pictures of the upper elevation stuff:

1 comment:

  1. Tiago - I found your MT drivers license at Kate's cutin on the 18th. Ping me and I'll get it to you.

