Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Little Treasure Found

It was another easy day for the legs to recover yesterday.  It turned out to be a somewhat productive day though...mowed the lawn, painted some trim on the Airstream, walked the dogs, and rode out to Rocker on the townie singlespeed to get the blood moving.

Erin and I took the dogs up to Janney road last night for a walk....we found a new little treasure in the area.  The dogs had a blast sniffing and exploring while we all took in the new sights and smells.  The road turns into the railroad bed that we rode for a little while on Sunday (further up).  As we explored we found a trail that deviated off to the left and decided to take it.  It meandered through Aspen groves in the Thompson Park area and linked into where we accessed the railroad bed on Sunday when we rode the fat tires.  It was really peaceful and everything was really green from all our recent moisture.  It will be a great option when it warms up as it sits at around 6,000 ft and has a lot of trees which provide shade throughout the walk.

As we adventured up Janney road we ended up parking by a house that was close to the trailhead.  The residence had some horses and a little pony (or mini horse).  The dogs were immediately curious about the horses and went up to the fence line.  Little horse was pretty friendly and also was at the fence.  As we took it all in, we realized that the pony was not all that much bigger than the dogs...DOH...will have to bring the camera along on our next adventure up there to capture the scene.

We wrapped up the day with a leisurely ride out to Rocker with the intention of stopping at the little Burrito stand to eat dinner...unfortunately, our timing was off and the shack was closed by the time we got there so we rode back to the house and improvised a few snacks that constituted dinner.

The Hammer nutrition order is on the way and should be here was a whopper with about $350+ of stuff....although a big chunk of that is for Sean so it is not as bad as it sounds!  Now if only the Hammer products would do the training for me too...

countdown to the Puff is on...about 3 weeks to go...maybe another week or so of buckling down and getting in some long intervals...might be a Beeftrail interval day of 2 mile/500 ft gain repeats...although it is such a nice day...hmmmmmm

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