Monday, January 17, 2011

Symphony of Night Sounds

Last night was a topsy turvy kind of a night for me...sleep was hard to come by and as a result the mind wandered and wondered about nothing and everything.  As I lay there tossing and turning I started to realize all the sounds around me.  First it was the wifer's heavy breathing then it was the ping pong volley of sounds coming from the dogs.  Moby chasing bunny rabbits in his sleep....volley over to Otis snoring....volley over to Moby whimpering in his sleep....volley over to Otis stretching and scratching the wall with his paws....backhand volley over to Moby licking himself....forehand volley over to Otis to re-arrange himself to get more comfy...lob volley over to Moby grinding his teeth....volley over to the other court where the wifer hit a vicious forehand slice and did some sort of grunt/groan while flopping over and re-arranging the pillows....

This went on for a couple of hours and I lay there being very envious of everyone else in a deep sleep.  Naturally I woke up tired and dragging arse today.

It turned out to be a pretty productive weekend.  We did some serious clean up and organization around the house.  It was well overdue and it was good to knock some things out.  Unfortunately our weather is in the tweener mode where it is between being too nasty to go ride bikes but not nasty enough to get out and play in the snow.  It has been wet lately and it seems very strange to be saying that in January...January moisture is usually of the white variety in this neck of the woods, and not of the Portland variety of liquid sunshine.

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