Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CDT Night Ride & Baby's Got Sauce

After a long day of juggling multiple balls in the air (something about being as busy as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest...), it was great to get out on the bike and get the wheeled therapy in.  I met Sean O up at the Homestake CDT trailhead and we promptly hit the trails and rode.  It was my first ride with the Magicshine 1400 light setup and I was impressed...a fuller review will be forthcoming on Friday after I get the chance to ride on Thurs evening with the setup again.

It was a quick out and back ride from the trailhead up to the second lookout and back.  It was a 10 miler with a very enjoyable climb and descent of about 1700 ft...profile looked a little something like:

It was good to get out on the bike again.  It had been almost a week since spinning the legs and not only did the body need the excursion, but so did the mind.  All in all it was a fruitful quickie ride that made it all smiles at the end.  I got home with cold fingers and an ice-cream headache around the fore-head area from the chilliness of the temps while descending...not noticeable until after the fun was 'in the bag'.

and on being Saucey.....
Our quest for Tahini sauce in Butte has finally come to a close.  The wifer found the elusive Tahini at the only store that had it stocked (but was out of stock the past few weeks).  For some reason we seem to load up on sauces like one of those hoarder peeps...We recently loaded up on a great sauce from a restaurant we hit when we were out of town and are very anxious to put it to good use.  One of our shelves in our kitchen cabinets seems to be almost fully dedicated to is probably a good idea for us to do a quickie date check to make sure the sauces are not way beyond their expiration dates and subsequently are extra Saucey!

and because we are on the subject of Sauces, I would be remiss if I did not mention G. Love & Special Sauce....

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