Dad picked me up at the Denver airport and our long adventure began! I was a little wrinkly at first until I started to grow into my skin.
We bonded pretty quickly and became best buds
He taught me manners and made me wait for my food - ohh, it was so hard as everyone knows I loved loved LOVED my food!!
Dad confined me to the bedroom until I proved I could handle the run of the house on my own...although this sad face might have helped speed that process up!
I grew quickly and my play drive was insatiable!
I made lots of friends in Denver - even this little baby squirrel!I started to get super coordinated and could show off when there might have been a treat in it for me!
I remember the Denver Spring Blizzard of '06!!
There was tons of snow to play in...It was so deep I had to have dad help me find a grassy spot to dookie!
Keeping Pops company on one of many climbing trips - this one in Enchanted Tower, NM!
An adventure in Tensleep! my paws got a little tender from all that I know why the parentals whined about their skin when climbing!
Soon after my first year of keeping track of dad, a new family member joined the pack! I would grow to accept and love her in leaps and bounds! I was always so excited when she got home!!
Helping mom study and get through residency in Denver:
Where you going? and why are you going without me??
Hanging with my first puppy crush in Golden!
showing off for my puppy crush....
I was best pup at Mom/Pop's big day...check out my bow tie!
We moved to Montana where I had to get over being an only dog and learned to tolerate my little bro Otis
Truth be told, that when no one was watching, I actually enjoyed that little dude!
I was not a huge fan of the Montana winters, but we got out and explored when it was not too cold!
I am a lion hunter!
Showed my bro how to not be scared in Targhee
Showing the little dude how to explore...and yes I am the king of this castle!
We went to Yellowstone where I growled ferociously at some Bison - ohh, they were lucky that I could not get out!
We went on some great road trips and I got see the Tetons and saw and smelled all sorts of good stuff!

I proved that Ridgies do like water when we road tripped up to Whistler.
My new stomping grounds in Bend!

We went to Yellowstone where I growled ferociously at some Bison - ohh, they were lucky that I could not get out!
We went on some great road trips and I got see the Tetons and saw and smelled all sorts of good stuff!
After Montana, we moved to my 3rd state: Oregon!!
I proved that Ridgies do like water when we road tripped up to Whistler.

Did I tell you how much I love Bend?!?! Just like my pops, I started to get some of that white hair as I got more distinguished!
Mom and Dad taking care of me after the removal of some tumors.
I got super spoiled over my last few months but I earned every bit of it!! and no, that beer was not for me...just a funny photo opp in a tough time while I recovered and got strong again. I managed to continue to give lots of love to my family for another 5 months of awesomeness!!
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