Monday, January 7, 2013

COB Backcountry - Moon Mountain

I ordered a Backcountry route book for Oregon that arrived in the mail on Friday.  I immediately proceeded to get to the table of contents and browse the possibilities of what the state had to offer.  Josh had touched base earlier in the week for a tentative backcountry rendezvous on Saturday so the timing was just about perfect.

We had our sights set on Tumalo and then the book arrived and I thought it would be good to try something we set off with Todd Lake as an objective....We missed a turn and ended up deeper towards BrokenTop than we had expected but saw a little peak that looked like it had some possibilities.  At this point we were 4 miles into our skin in and we figured we could backtrack to our missed turn for Todd Lake or just take advantage of the peak in front of us.

After a somewhat short skin, we changed from tour to ride mode and scraped our way downhill.  The snow was crusty crusty crusty!  It had a very hard crusty layer but once you broke through it it was softer snow.  The problem was you had very little control on the crust until you broke through which was unpredictable at best.  After a couple of quick turns, my edge caught the crust, broke through it, and send me flying to a nice face-plant.  The recent warm up had consolidated the snow, but has also left that hard layer.  It will be something to keep an eye on as additional snow sets up on top of that layer.

We scraped our way down and then readied ourselves for the 4 mile skin out.  It was pretty flat on the way out so it was fairly quick going as we headed back to the car.  When we did the little peak, we had no idea what we had just skinned up and rode back down.  We got back to the car and put the pieces of the puzzle together to figure out we had just been up Moon Mountain.

The rest room at the parking lot...they have been getting just a little bit of snow out there!
where we probably should have zigged instead of zagged....
following the ridge up the moon

converting from tour to ride...
masked men on the moon

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