Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ark Building/Blog Building

At what point during this Spring is it prudent to start thinking of building an ark?  It has been a long, dreary, grey spring with no relief in sight.  It has been raining non-stop for several days now.

The rain was welcome at first - the usual reasons of being good for the water levels, keeping the area from getting dry and creating potentially risky forest fire threats in the heat of the summer.  It was helping melt the snow, it is has turned into an aberration and ohhh by the way, that rain that was supposed to be helping melt the snow?   well, it has become snow in the foothills...DOH!

So what to do when the daylight hrs are long and the weather is preventing anyone from getting out and playing?  Idle hands...well, in this case, they are not the work of  Mr. Louie Cifer (for you Angel Heart fans), but instead the idle hands turned into typing hands.  I spent some time on updating the blog with local ride beta.  It was something I had been 'meaning to do' for several months and somehow something just lit a fire under my 'ace' recently to get moving on it (considering all this rain and humidity, lighting a fire in itself is quite a feat - although I should not mention the word 'fire' as Butte seems to have an awful lot of suspicious fires to residences and businesses).

and back on-track:  There are now 4 tabs....a 'Home' tab, a current conditions tab (wet, wet or wet), a  'Local Rides Beta MTB' tab (listing some of my favorite local rides with topos, elevation profiles, etc), and then another beta tab for 'Local Road Rides Beta' (under construction - and that be non-union construction or else it would take 5X the people and 10X the time).  once again, back on track.....These tabs will continue to be works-in-progress over the next couple of weeks and beyond as it takes some time to put together the info for a ride description & associated data.  Fortunately I have the data from past rides, but it is time-consuming to format, etc....For now, the building blocks are in place and it is time to build the Lego-Land (not to be confused with the "let go my eggo" campaign) - geez, the trifecta!  managed to get completely off track 3 times in two shortie paragraphs...if you are still reading, you have no one to blame but yourself!

The intent of the ride beta tabs is to have a small repository of local rides that peeps can reference in the event they are new to town, passing through town, etc....At some point, an additional tab might be added to include pseudo local trails like Curly Lake, W Yellowstone, etc...for now there is still plenty of content to plug into the formula so there will not be much of a threat of idle hands during this Montanny monsoon.

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