Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Butte Observation

another tongue in cheek observation:

Over the past couple of summers, I have noticed that as warmer temps arrive in Butte, so do the RV's.  It is mind-boggling how many RV's there are in this town!  No wonder there are multiple RV dealerships in town as they not only cater to us locals who seemingly keep them pretty busy, but given the location of Butte being at the cross-roads of I-15 & I-90, they must stay pretty busy with pass-throughs too.

One of the things that amazes me is just the sheer volume of trailers/RV's/campers and just how much people like their toys!  Toys are indeed a good thing.

I have also noticed that these trailers are usually parked outside people's houses as if to flaunt their secret handshake with other camper secret society members.  In a town that is not very affluent, the $ spent on these toys (must include 4-wheelers, dirt bikes, and snow mobiles into the toy mix) is just staggering.  I understand that there are many who can't afford to pay $5 for a prescription, etc...but sometimes it is about choices...perhaps if you can't afford to pay for the $5 script, or minimal co-pay at a health clinic, then just maybe you should not have purchased the $20,000 RV, or the $1,500 flat screen, or the $400 phone with a $100 a month plan.  It irks me to no end that everyone (ok ok, not everyone but a big chunk of peeps) feels like they are owed something without having to work for it - unfortunately this is not particular to Butte but starting to be endemic of our culture.  The sad thing is that the people who game and abuse the system are really impacting those who really need the help.

back to RV observations dawned on me yesterday that these RV's that come out in the spring and summer months don't ever go anywhere!  Now the whole idea of having something like an RV is so that you go out and enjoy it by going places and camping, etc.  I have come to believe in the clandestine messages that these RV's must signify as part of their secret society because these RV's come out when it warms up, but they never get to go any further than enjoying the wonderful view of their owner's front yard.  So it begs the question....what's up with that???  Does the RV become an addition/extension to the house?  Is it a super secret message (like back in the day when dealers were ID'd by sneakers hanging off of phone lines? or was that urban legend?).

We are part of the RV club, but apparently on the outside looking in (in regards to the secret society and cool kids' handshake) since we don't know the secret handshake and we keep our little tin can hidden in the garage until it does to get enjoy the open roads.

To those poor stranded RV's that are beached in their owner's front yard with an anchor that never let's you feel the tug of the open road, I feel for you....It is a shame that in some cases you are worth more than the house you are parked in front of, and you don't get to roll your rubber on the paved or unpaved is kind of like having wings and being caged so you can't fly

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