Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Butte Boulder Stash

During our stay here in Butte, I have kept a eye open for potential bouldering.  Butte is surrounded by a lot of rock, and a lot of that is slabby granite that is not usually all that solid.  A lot of the rock is decomposing (as I suppose all rock is) but I have vivid memories of bouldering in Vedauwoo where my foot exploded off a pebble and gave me a nice ankle sprain for my efforts (from falling awkwardly).

There are tons of boulders around but most of them are featureless or not solid enough to trust (or would require a lot of 'cleaning').

On a walk through the woods on Sunday with the dogs, I did come across some possibilities....
first, a quickie video of how 'solid' some of the stone is...or actually I have super-human strength!!!!

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