Thursday, June 17, 2010

World Cupping in the rain/snow

Can you say brutal weather???  It has been raining non-stop since we got back from Boise on Sunday.  There is standing water on the lawn because the ground is so saturated.  The upside is that we have not had to water the lawn this year, but it probably also means the weeds will grow like mad this year too.

The poor dogs have also been couped up and it shows.  They are like coiled springs waiting for a good window so we can get them out for some walks.  It is starting to feel like we like in the Pacific Northwest but without the perks of a cosmopolitan lifestyle.  I guess we should be thankful that this is not a winter storm or we would have several feet (and counting) of snow outside.  It was in the mid 30's this morning and it means we have some fresh snow up higher in the hills (snow, and it is almost July).  The snow line is right between 6,000 ft - 6,500 ft

Training has been difficult this week too - it has been minimized to indoor trainer time which is not all that interesting or fun.  The problem is that it does not look like it will be clearing any time soon.

So apparently there are grizzly bears in the area (or at least one).  Someone killed a griz last week because it was getting into the chicken coup.  It happened about 5 miles north of us in an area where we go might be time to invest in some bear spray to stash in the jersey or bike somewhere while out and about in the back-country.  Last year there were some kitty sightings too...guess it is probably a good idea to not ride solo too much out there.

The World Cup has been getting me up early as of late.  The first games are on at 5:30 a.m. local time which is earlier than usual wake up time but it has been well worth it.  The first round of games have lacked a little in scoring but teams are hesitant to lose a game and subsequently risk not making it out of the first round. 

The airstream continues to sit in the garage and it is an ideal time to get some work done on it before taking it up to Missoula at the end of the month for the fridge install, to find the motivation to get 'er done!

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