Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nirvana Elevator Music?

There was yet another hint of age creeping up yesterday as I found myself in a store looking for some hardware items and what do I hear???  I heard Nirvana playing in the background.  This in itself would not have been a big deal as I would have considered it a one off in the sense of "Wow, pretty progressive K-Mart".  Earlier in the day I had to go up to take a drug test (for a pre-screening for employment - my current employer is having me change contracting companies).  There was a minor nuisance when they informed me that they did not have my paperwork ready and subsequently I would not be able to take the test, I had to come back at yet another lunch day on yet another day.  Urgg.. While waiting for them to try to find my paperwork, I heard the Smashing Pumpkins on the sound system at the office!

As it turns out, it started to dawn on me that my generation's music is becoming 'elevator music'.  Who would have thought that something so cutting edge and alternative back in the day would make its way into large shopping marts and doctor's offices?  Not me!  Just another sign of father time catching up and dating us - a sad reminder of what we used to think as fringe is just elevator noise.

as a is my favorite Pumpkins song that was part of a movie play list from one of my favorite directors of all time:  David Lynch's Lost Highway:

and some Nirvana elevator action:

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