Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bike Blues

My recent bike mis-fortune has had me consternating over the options of which route to go for the next chariot of choice...What is a girl to do?  I have read a lot of reviews and gotten on a few bikes and will continue to mull it over as there is no need for a quick decision - unless of course there is a deal to be had and then all bets are off the table as I am a sucka' for deals!

Another reason for the start of the bike blues is that our weather is changing and the outside options of riding are disappearing faster than the use of words 'honest' and 'politics' in the same sentence.  And since we know politicians are about as sincere as professional bike riders (in regards to doping that is), we connect the dots, throw our hands up in the air, and accept the unequivocal certainty like we do death and taxes...after all, what is a girl to do??

I did manage to get a indoor ride in last night on the trainer and the sad truth is the riding window will get shorter yet when the time changes and our days get shorter once again.  If you are pragmatist or engineer you will jump all over that because days are not really getting shorter...they remain 24 hrs, and the daylight is the same...it just shifts from p.m. to a.m. daylight but then again....what is a girl to do?? but to join the 'group think' and sheople nature of our mainstream phrase-ology...yes I just made that up, but I don't want to be a sheople!

and where exactly is all this going you ask?  I have but not a clue...so here be some old school  Mississippi John Hurt (what a cool and humble man) blues to close out this entry:

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