Sunday, August 21, 2011

Humbug Spires Hike

As a change from the norm, we decided to head down to Moose Creek and catch the trail that meanders through the Humbug Spires area.  After feeling guilty for running out of time and not being able to walk the dogs on Saturday, we decided to try and make it up to them with a nice long walk on Sunday.

The temps were going to creep into the upper 80's so we got out relatively early and were on the trail by around 10:00.  The dogs had a blast exploring new territory and it was good to see them running around chasing squirrels. chipmunks, birds...pretty much anything that moved.  They quickly started panting because it was getting hot but fortunately the trail followed the path of the creek for a while so we took frequent stops so they could cool off, drink, etc.

I was curious to see if the rock in that area was any different from what we had seen to date.  The rock seemed to generally be more featured but still somewhat broken and fractured so that there are no long panels to climb.  We only saw a small area and I think that the bigger cliffs were further back because the guidebook describes multi pitch climbs on good quality stone.

We saw some larger bands in the distance but did not get up close and personal enough to see the possibilities.  It was a good day to be out stretching the legs after an eventful ride at Curly Lake on Saturday (blog entry re: Curly to follow).

Unfortunately, most of the boulders we saw were just not quite large enough for bouldering but it makes me think that there are some bigger brother boulders somewhere with these honeycomb huecos...there have to be!

It was definitely mission accomplished relative to the pups.  They were pretty exhausted and content when we got back home.  All is well that ends well with tired pups....

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