Thursday, August 4, 2011

An Open Letter to Our Politicians:

I don't want this blog to be about politics but I have become so disgusted with our politicians of either party that it is time to get some things off my here is a little venting aimed directly at our elected officials:

Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat…. YOU CLOWNS HAVE FAILED US!  You no longer represent the people who elected you into office. 

We the public are tired of you representing private interests and not the public interest.  We are fed up with your being controlled by, and willing minions to corporate America.  When you receive BILLIONS of $ from lobbyists, you fail the public because you no longer represent our best interest.  When did it become OK for you to accept bribes from private interests and be a willing accomplice to the fleecing of the American public?  The role of a politician is to look out for the best interest of the public,  and NOT fattening your wallets.  You should be a  civil servant!  And not a corrupt bought out figurehead.

We are tired of either party blaming the other for all that ails.  Both of your parties are equally at fault for this mess.  When you make a mess, put on your big boy pants and fix it, quit whining to mommy about how the other party is not playing nice.  We the public are tired of hearing that our current situation has been caused by prior administrations.  Take responsibility and accountability for your actions and work together.

If you are a criminal (if you have committed a felony crime) then you should be kicked out of office….FULL STOP…No IFS. ANDS, or BUTS about it.  You do not have special privileges, you are not above the law.

How do we fix this mess????  Here are some ideas:

·      Unemployment – FIX IT!!!  This is the foundation of everything else for this country to flourish.  Without jobs people can’t buy homes, or pay taxes, or buys goods…Don’t tax more, but tax more people.  Create incentives for companies to not only hire people, but to keep jobs on-shore.  You have made it more difficult for small business – it needs to be the opposite.  Small business are the genesis of job creation – they are our second largest employer (after the gov’t)
·      Moratorium on all gov’t pay raises until unemployment gets back under 6% - no COLA, nada, zilch zippo, ZERO!
·      Don’t create more gov’t jobs!  These do not generate revenue, they leech it
·      Don’t use taxpayer $ to bail out corporate American anymore. 
·      No more stimulus packages that have no transparency and zero effectiveness.
·      Don’t over-regulate.  The answer lies in enforcing the regulation that exists, not in adding more restrictions or heads to the government….NOTE: just maybe the SEC should be enforcing regulation as opposed to downloading and surfing porn?  Hmmm, novel concept.
·      Enough Tzars….we are over it!
·      Note to El Jefe: Quit going on the nighttime TV circuit…we like our commander in chief to be focused on fixing the economy as opposed to trying to crack jokes about Special Olympics on Jay Leno
·      Take a hard look at social programs and make changes.   Is it too much to ask for drug testing for Welfare recipients?  Disability needs to be re-visited so people are not life long vampires….and BTW, being obese is not a disability, it is a CHOICE.  If you are a recipient of public financial help, then there should be a vehicle with which to contribute back to society – there is work people can do, answering phones, etc.
·      Healthcare – Toss it out and start from scratch…send it to the crap heap where it belongs.  When you create a new healthcare plan, make sure the public approves – Last I checked, the public was not on board with what you rammed down our throats.  Look at the existing model in Massachusetts and see what is not working there and fix it….learn from that debacle, don’t make those same mistakes…there is plenty to learn! When you do come up with a new plan, make sure you address the issues by not protecting corporate America once again.   There is a reason healthcare and pharma stocks have thrived since Obamacare was forced down our throats.  Make people accountable for their health.  If I have to pay a higher car insurance premium for being a bad driver, then I should also have to pay a higher health premium if I am obese and take no responsibility for my health (as an example)….and btw, you clowns should be forced to sign up for the same programs you are making us sign up for –no more Cadillac plans for you.  If you are going to make choices for people that you represent, then you should have to live with those same consequences. 
·      Quit stealing from the Social Security surplus to fund other programs!
·      Speaking of retirement…quit messing with the market – the more you don’t fix things, the more the market slides and personal retirement plans go down the toilet….which means more people will depend on Social Security
·      Incent people to save -  earning .05% interest on a savings account is not an incentive to sock money away.  Banks are currently borrowing $ for free…once again corporate bailouts don’t help the consumer and don’t help to create an efficient market.
·      Quit spending more than you collect in Revenues – it is called balancing your checkbook – we are accountable for our accounts as individuals, we expect the same from you.
·      Owning a home is a privilege, not a right.  
·      Quit kicking the can down the road.  Action things NOW –not 5-10 yrs down the road when you are no longer are on the HOOK for it – this is not in the public’s best interest
·      Quit thinking you are playing with Monopoly money
·      Quit interjecting yourself where you don’t belong…leave sports along – quit trying to spend taxpayer $ on high profile steroids witch hunts…surely there is a better way to spend our tax $!!!
·      Maybe it is time to quit being the world’s police.  It is too expensive and we need our resources focused on improving conditions at home.
·      Re-visit all the aid we give foreign countries and be more selective about what we contribute and why
·      In hard times, set the standard that everyone needs to pitch in and help – don’t isolate one specific group and target them to fund trying to get out of the trough we are in.  This just creates division and what we need now is unity. 
 We live in an amazing country with a ton of opportunity - let's get this country back on track by uniting and chipping away at the major issues that need fixing.  Don't mortgage our future anymore as we can't afford to kick the can down the road in the hopes that someone will wave a magic wand and fix everything.  It will take everyone to chip in in some way, shape, or form to get out of this rut - enough of bailouts....
as I read the other day....what is the opposite of a 'pro'?  a therefore the opposite of progress is congress....let's fix this view of the public's faith in our politicans...and that starts with your actions - speaking to you politicians directly....WAKE UP!

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