Monday, August 22, 2011

Removing Stan's Sealant From Tire

If you have run a tubeless set up on your bike, you have probably had to remove your tire at some point for  some reason.  Most of my tubeless tire removal experiences have involved switching out tires so I have not had to scrub the Stan's sealant off tires to remount those same tires.  I have had to clean the rims before mounting new tires which comes off pretty easily.

If you have had the pleasure of removing a tubeless tire with Stan's sealant you will empathize with just how well it covers the tire and just how much of a pain it can be to remove.  As you can see from the photo below, the Stan's covers a lot of the inside of the tire (picture is taken with the inside of the tire folded out - so we are looking at the inside of the tire).

The sealant does not come off very easily.  Stan's secret recipe is so effective that it is difficult to get the rubbery/siliconey type substance off.  In order to salvage the tire, I had to use some serious elbow grease.

I turned the tire inside out, filled up a bucket with warm soapy water and did some scrubbin'.  The key was warm soapy water - it helped the gunk to come off a little easier.  I went through a full pad (in bucket) for the tire but the replacement cost of the pad (less than a dollar) was well worth the replacement cost of a new UST tire ($65 and above).
I had to use something that was abrasive enough to work the caulk like stuff off the took some work but it came off once you had a flat surface to scrub against.  I worked 6 inche sections at a time and was careful to make sure to scrub the beads of the tire where the beads sit in the channel to seal against the rim.  I did not want any remnants of the sealant on those beads which might prevent a good seal.
After 2 beers worth of scrubbing, the tire looked relatively clean and ready to is definitely possible to remove the sealant, it just takes some patience and hard scrubbing in order to get it done.  

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